Museo Arte Casearia e Transumanza


INFO AND RESERVATIONS: 389.0652328 - 0865.77288


>Short tour - Full € 10.00 >Reduced and Card € 8.00

>Full tour - Full € 15.00 >Reduced and Card € 14.00

>Museum visit - Full € 8.00 >Reduced and Card € 6.00

Special rates for children from 2 to 11 years old

The guided tour will start from the cheese production laboratory of the Di Nucci cheese factory:

through the vapors and scents of milk, you will witness the magical technique that gives life to traditional Molise “pasta filata” cheeses, shaped by hand.

You will discover how the cheeses of the Transhumance civilization are born, such as Caciocavallo di Agnone, and its maturing cellars in rapillo stone.

You will experience a multisensory journey in the Museum, exploring the cheesemaking craft of southern Italy, starting with the vicissitudes of the Di Nucci family, a family of shepherds and cheesemakers since 1662, until the historical works of the pastoral world, the ancient tools used for cheese production, and the testimonies that will project you into the walks along the Tratturo.

The visit ends with an authentic cheese-tasting.

Three types of tour:

  • short (production tour, cellar, tasting of 3 cheeses);
  • full (production tour, cellar, museum, tasting of 5 cheeses);
  • museum tour with tasting of 3 cheeses.

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